Tuesday, 31 October 2017


260mm Radius curve on the stem. Looks OK to me. From the bottom to the deck is about 2000mm.
This photo only shows about 600mm.

Working on the next chine preparing for the 160mm glass tape.

Sunday, 29 October 2017


The first rebate completed in preparation for glassing the chines with 150mm x 625 gsm double bias tape glass tape.
Using an electric planes set to 2mm along  a straight edge screwed to the hull.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Next Project

Bit of a milestone to day. The hull ply is completed. All done.
Next comes filling and faring some low points and adding hardwood to the stem before rebating and glassing the chines.
After that I will be glassing the hull. That's a bit of a way off yet and another project.