Thursday, 29 December 2016

The Transom is up

The Transom is up.
Next project... Stringers.

The fold out transom fish table looks like it will work

Tuesday, 27 December 2016


Lots of work here. The photos show from this to this. I ripped the planks then put them through the machine. And it's called a thicknesser?!!. More like a thinesser. I have about 5 times this amount to do for stringers.

Thicknesser and shavings
50mm planks

20mm planks

Monday, 26 December 2016


Been over a week on the transom. Shaping up well though. The centre square section folds out over the back for a fish table. Garbage will be outside the boat. It is 900 above the cockpit sole so a good working height.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Station #9

"The road goes ever on" as Bilbo Bagging stated. The ninth station is up. Now working on the transom.
Cockpit floor to the transom top is too high at 1200mm. Thinking of a fold down / out of about 250mm. It would also make as suitable fish cleaning table. Assuming there are any left when Spindy is launched that is. Open to other ideas.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Steady as she goes

One more bulkhead, then the transom and stem.
Check these Videos - Video One - Video Two
Bulkhead # 8 added to the collection


Monday, 5 December 2016

After 44 Half Lap Frame & Bulkhead joints

Bulkhead #8. Yes, after 44 half lap frame & bulkhead joints I am starting to see an improvement. Got 12 more to go on bulkheads and transom then more on the cabin.