Thursday, 21 July 2016

Time on my hands

I have redrawn the cabin line. Added a bit of colour.
That blobby looking thing on the well deck is me. Life size.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


I wait for timber so all a bit quiet at the moment.
I laminated the hatch top for the forward cabin and a turtle for it to slide into. Cant do more to that until I fit the foredeck.
Have lofted all I can on the floor. Visited Seamac for doors and windows. Always something productive to do.
Also bought a new Goiot 6230mm Hatch  for the well-deck and a deck prism from Stanley Marine. Only $250 for the hatch. The same hatch for our old Spindrift in 1992 cost us over $600.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Bottom Planks Scarfed.

Bottom Planks Scarfed. Now about 11 ~ 12m long

Had a bit of a practice on some kahikatea doing lap joints for frames.

 Now drawing the full size frames on the floor with some head scratching.